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Scenes written for the stage

Scenes from FRESH MEET

FRESH MEET was a theatrical production of a collection of original works based on the theme of "Love". Writers were asked to write a monologue for a character, then a scene including that character. I submitted two sets: Tater/Yard Language, which was featured in the production; and Roger/Preflight, which was not produced.


In 2003, Oklahoma City produced The Vagina Monologues  as part of a nationwide V-Day event. The show was staged in dozens of cities and each production selected two local writers--one male, one female--to each write a monologue that would be performed as part of the show. I was selected by Anne Lower, the show's producer, to write the male monologue. 


After the success of Naked Theatre, an evening of short scenes and monologues from well-known writers, Starving Shark Productions produced Naked Theatre II, this time with original work. The Announcement emerged as the crowd favorite and was performed by the late great Brad Allen in an unforgettable, tour-de-force performance.


Originally written and staged in a playwriting/directing course at OU, Cease To Be Roman was my first attempt at writing something more than a page or two. It's got some good laughs, heavy Tarantino/Seinfeld influence, and ultimately had a wildly entertaining production complete with reversing the house, so that the audience came back from intermission and was seated on the stage while the back of the black box garage theatre became the performance area. 

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